Salient is a one of the best selling Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme on ThemeForest. To make the theme work well with Custom Page Templates plugin, please follow this guide.
Step 1: Download Template Files
I've created ready template files for you to make life easier. Click the following button to download them.
Step 2: Extract Template Files from Downloaded ZIP
Extract files from zip using your favorite app. Inside this zip you'll find a folder "custom-page-templates" with 2 files inside: page.php and product.php.
Step 3: Upload Folder with Files to BeTheme Root Folder
Using your favorite FTP client app (e.g. FileZilla) or File Manager in cPanel upload extracted "custom-page-templates" folder with its files to Salient theme root folder. It is recommended that you utilize child theme, so your Salient child folder would be /wp-content/themes/salient-child/
Step 4: Add Support for Custom Params in WPBakery Page Builder
Salient theme comes with the customized WPBakery Page Builder plugin and registers own parameter types. In order to support theme with DSV, you need to add the following code to your functions.php file under main theme or child theme (recommended) folder.
add_filter( 'cptemplates/dynamic_shortcode_values/supported_param_types', function( $supported_param_types ) { $salient_supported_param_types = array( 'fws_image', 'dropdown_multi' ); $supported_param_types = array_merge( $supported_param_types, $salient_supported_param_types ); return $supported_param_types; } );
Step 5: Add Support for Salient custom styles used in page template
Salient theme has a custom code that generates CSS dynamically based on the page content and settings. In order to support page styles in your custom page templates, you need to add the following code to your functions.php file under main theme or child theme (recommended) folder.
if ( function_exists('cptemplates') ) : add_action( 'cptemplates/template_changed', function( $template, $current_template ) { if ( ! function_exists('nectar_page_specific_dynamic') ) return; global $post; $template_post = cptemplates_template()->get_applied_template_post(); $original_post = $post; $post = $template_post; $nectar_page_specific_dynamic_css = nectar_page_specific_dynamic(); $post = $original_post; }, 10, 2 ); endif;
Step 6: Check Your Plugin Version
Salient theme is supported since version 2.0.7, so please make sure you download the corresponding version from CodeCanyon.